Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Reading the Lighting on the Wall


They say the subtle body (organic chemicals and functional compounds) reflects awareness and is experienced as consciousness, the reflection of pure consciousness, attention, I am.

This consciousness is to reflected consciousness as a mirror will reflect light on a wall and drive all those cats crazy. Like they know the light shining on the wall is nothing but light.

And attention is nothing but pure consciousness mixed with thought. And this ‘I am’ is the reflection of pure existence in a similarly metaphysical fashion.


Nirguna Brahman is pure consciousness. Saguna Brahman is universal consciousness. Individual consciousness is avidya. All appearances in Brahman is Brahman and nothing but Brahman.

In the old advaita snake and rope analogy, the snake is just an appearance in the rope, like magical reality. There’s never anything but the one reality of rope.

Before, during, and after the movie, there is nothing but a movie screen. And the same witness witnessing the dream is witnessing deep sleep as well.

Crazy Cat, Crazy Cat, What

This consciousness is

to reflected consciousness

as a mirror will reflect

light on a wall

and drive all those cats crazy.

Like they know

the light


on the wall

is nothing but light.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Ode to the Mahavakyas

Original sin is not some evil. It’s avidya, original ignorance, identification with the body-mind.

This original ignorance is not only passed on from parent to child, it’s in the DNA.

Only knowledge for consciousness, by consciousness, and of consciousness shall dispel this ignorance and see through the snake of avidya.

Thus there are these mahavakyas: Prajnanam Brahma, Tat Tvam Asi, Ayam Atma Brahma, Aham Brahma Asmi.

Saturday, February 17, 2024


01. not an ai haiku

the universe is one cause and one effect

isvara is the cause and maya ten thousand effects

brahman (tattvamasi) is causeless

02. 240217b

dreaming is for the dream by the dream and of the dream

brahman is beyond dreaming

like seven continents can't imagine the one great sea

03. 240217c

When I was a child, I thought my God was out there.

When I was a man, I thought my God was a woman.

Now that I know I'm neither, what a long strange incarnation it's been.

04. 240217.2337

When I was a child, I thought my god was out there.

When I was a man, I thought my god to be a natural woman.

I now know I am neither.

The Grasshopper Epistles

1. triangulating consciousness

Either the world makes consciousness; 

consciousness creates the world; 

or consciousness is neither cause nor effect.

2. the consciousness trinity

The first ilk is called materialist—scientific, atheistic, postmodern. 

The second is called spiritualist—orthodox, modern, new age. 

And the third is nameless—changeless, birthless, nondual.

3. ode to maya

Although the world isn’t real, it’s not unreal either. 

This illusion (snake-rope, mirage-desert) is the essence of Maya. 

As Brahman is the name for the nameless, Maya is the name for all the names appearing in the nameless.

4. to nonduality and beyond

Yes, pure consciousness (aka awareness) is nameless and nondual

but the absolute is beyond nonduality as well. 

After the first thorn has been removed by the second thorn, both roses are thrown away, grasshopper.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Abhinavesa and Beyond

Karma is not the truth. Karma is an appearance in the truth. Karma appears to be the truth because people believe in because. This belief is one of the primal beliefs of avidya. Gaudapada uses the sanskrit word, abhinavesa, to describe it.

“Abhiniveśa is not merely a persistent belief, but an intense mental preoccupation with an ardent faith in a false knowledge sustained and nurtured by a totally laughable ignorance.” ~Chinmayananda

Causality is the fool of ten thousand koans and the liar behind every paradox. The universe is the cause and the universe is its result, crow caws the causelessness of crow. Not only is the absolute beyond causality, it's beyond beyond.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

ndc 240215

Between deep sleep and samadhi, the mind is walking.

Both dream states are like sleepwalking. True awakening is more like lucid dreaming.

As the mind is a perpetual motion machine, sleepwalking is more like sleep running, and lucid dreaming is just dreaming in slow motion.

Misunderstood Vibrations

It’s not true that one consciousness is vibrating into this duality of mind.

It just appears to be true; Maya’s middle name happens to be causality.

But in pure consciousness there is no cause and effect.

This is not to say such absolute knowledge precludes living in the material world.

Even Einstein ate his dinner at a table he knew to be 99% space.

Jivanmuktis exist beyond causality—in karma but not of karma.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


1. Of Dragons, Rishis, and Al Green.

The year of the dragon—north of the river of love and south of the mountains of wisdom.

The rishis say that the nature of the absolute truth is pure existence, awareness, and ananda. There's no arguing with satcitananda.

The reflection of sat is 'I am', of cit is meditation, and of ananda is love and happiness. It makes you wanna dance and sing.

2. Ignorant Issues.

You can’t get there from here because you’re already here.

The mind dreams whether the body is turned on or off.

Ignorance of what I am is the issue—unborn and immortal, unknown and all-knowing, beyond all happiness and love, tattvamasi.

Disturbing Advaita

Maya sees with the eyes of ten thousand beings. Human beings are only one point of view.

In a sleeping dream, the one mind becomes subject and ten thousand objects. Why would the waking dream be any different, Thomas?

Isn't it astounding that the witness of both dream dualities is that which is witnessing the absence of duality in deep sleep?

First There Is No First

First there is a mountain, then there’s neti neti, then there’s brahman.

First there is the waking state, then the dreamstate, then there’s atman.

First the material universe produces consciousness

or the spirit of consciousness generates creation

but consciousness is beyond all cause and effect as atman is brahman.