In the advanced duality of samsara, love is half and half becoming whole: I love you! In primordial duality, love is the manifestation of the whole: I love! In nonduality, they call that infinite fulfillment, ananda.
Consciousness is not a product of the body-mind. This inner instrument is reflecting consciousness, not manufacturing it. And honestly this endeavor to usurp the I is not just ignorant, but sad.
The body-mind depends upon Existence for its existence. In other words, so much depends upon my Self.
a. Name-dropping, Eihei
So much depends upon Satcitananda, Doctor Robert.
You-surping the I is what a me does best, King Janaka.
If nondual ananda points to holistic bliss infinity, love is its expression in duality, Jack Kerouac.
b. Sat, Cit, and Ananda
A wave is to existence as the sea is to Sat.
Awareness is pure consciousness, Cit. The reflection of awareness is experiential consciousness—attention. Attention minus thought equals awareness.
Unconditional love is to bliss, aka Ananda, as Saguna Brahman is to Nirguna Brahman.
c. Manifesting Satcitananda
Existence is the principle. This dreamstate is its manifestation.
Consciousness is the principle. Intellect, mind, memory, and ego are its manifestations.
Holistic Bliss Infinity is the principle. Love is its manifestation.
d. God Bless You, Kurt Vonnegut
Existence is the principle. This dreamstate is its manifestation.
This dreamstate is conditioned by other dreamstates and so on—
until deconditioning consciousness dawns upon oneself.