Monday, August 19, 2024

Thirteen Mute Swamis

In the USA,

Politics is religion.

Religion is the music

Playing at each party.

Evolution is measured

In time;

Enlightenment is


Evo and devo

Like rajas and tamas,

Mahamaya is sattva,


The will of God.

Epic Brahman

Sarguna God is self-realized but swings the sword of Maya still

Avidya strikes so deep it creeps me out

Standing on the ground of consciousness

Revering the principle of existence

Like an epic filled with the essence of bliss

Saturday, August 17, 2024

I Equals X Minus I

In I am, the I is not a pronoun but a mathematical symbol.

In I am, the verb to be is the voice of God.

In the God I Am relax until my absolution.

footnotes to I=X-I

1. I am, I know, I love - is the song of Saguna Satcitananda.

2. I am someone and I know some things is not a silly little love song. It's the root of all Shakespearean tragedy.

3. When I is not a pronoun, I equals the principle of existence and the ground of consciousness.

~ August 17 by Latitude 42.8 ~

There’s an uncertain slant of light in August.

It’s neither summer-like nor truly feels like fall.

Do not willfully misunderstand me;

there's no urge for going.

April is the longest month, thank God.

dedicated to the one

Rage on, John Donne.

Dream on, Wu Wei.

Deep sleep, Avidya.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Saguna Satcitananda

God is universal consciousness.

Individual consciousness is a product of ignorance.

In other words, consciousness is God.


God is consciousness.

Let’s give it a name.

I know. I am. I love.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Suite Nonduality: The Edge of Maya


Doing and not doing are two sides of the same ignorance.

Nondoing is the wisdom of Maya. Nondoing is the will of God. Listen. Surrender.

Neither Citizen Kane nor Bartleby, Wu Wei is the razor’s edge of God’s great sword, Maya.


What exactly is the difference between nondoing and not doing?

In not doing, the body is turned off but the mind is still in control of the switch. 

In nondoing, the body may be on or off, but God is wielding the sword.


In the land of duality, there are 10,000 objects and one subject. While visiting, it is wise to pay one's respect to God.

In the world, it's not a question of theism or atheism. All people come with gods.

Deconstructing God before deconstructing the personal is divine madness.


I Am is the voice of God.

God is the principle of existence conceptualized.

Black holes are indescribable. So am I.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Issac, Quantumaya, and Parabrahman

Samsara is like Newtonian physics. Maya is like Quantum physics. Parabrahman is like the Anti-physics.

Look, there is no grand unification theory. There’s only nondual reality. In dreaming, there’s the waking dream and the sleeping dream; deep sleep is not a dream.

Similarly, there is Newtonian ignorance and quantum Maya; nonduality does not harmonize the one with two. Nonduality is beyond mind and god.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Rose is a Rose is a Sunflower Sutra

If I-Know is an offshoot from the ground of consciousness, then self-awareness is its flower.

If I-Love is the fragrance of the essence of bliss, then unconditional love is its essential oil.

If I-Am is the principle of existence in action, then nondoing is its core.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Being Afterword

If part of you believes you're an individual being, then part of you believes there is a universal one as well.

This universal one is like a god. Giving it a name and backstory is just what people do.

It's voice is echoing inside you — I am.


This nameless god that speaks I Am is the manifestation of the Principle of Existence.

That principle of existence is the ground of consciousness is the essence of bliss. 

Some call that nondual trinity, Satcitananda.

Self Prayer

In the world of samsara, there is doing and not doing, rajas and tamas, busyness and inertia.

In primordial Maya, the quantum power of God, there is nondoing, sattva, wisdom.

In the world of samsara, I am someone, I know some things, and I love some of them.

In primordial Maya, the quantum power of God, I am, I know, I love.

In reality, there is the Principle of Existence, the Ground of Consciousness, the Essence of Bliss, Satcitananda, the Nondual Absolute, Parabrahman.

To wit, I minus Avidya equals That minus Maya, Tatvamasi, I Am That, Aham Brahmasmi, I am Brahman.

Self, look within.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Ashtavakra’s Counterpoint (AG3)

1. The Self

The one indestructible Self: having known that as your true nature, how does this knower of the Self stabilized in wisdom remain attached to accumulating wealth?

From ignorance of the Self arises an attachment to the illusory world of the senses. As from ignorance of the mother of pearl arises greed for its illusory silver.

But this universe arises like waves in the sea that I am. Thus realized, why are you running around like some hopeless individual?

After truly hearing the Self is pure consciousness and gloriously beautiful, why reap the impurity of a deep attachment to sensual things?

2. How Strange

The Self in all beings and all beings in the Self: in the wise one knowing that, how strange self-interest should continue.

Dwelling in absolute nonduality and fixed upon the great intent of liberation: how strange that such a one is subject still to sexual desire, languishing in erotic play.

Sensuality is the enemy of knowledge and weakens the spirit: how strange that someone who understands this would welcome sensuous pleasures while nearing the end of one’s life.

Dispassion towards all objects of the world and discernment between the permanent and impermanent: how strange that such a one striving for liberation from ignorance fear liberation from the body.

3. Wise One

The wise one whether glorified or persecuted is ever seeing the Self alone and thus may neither be pleased nor pained.

Seeing the actions of one’s own body like those of another, how could a wise one be bothered by praise or blame?

Seeing this universe as sheer illusion and being without any interest in it, how can the steady-minded one feel fear even as death approaches?

Whose mind is indifferent and without expectation, the great sage is at ease in self-knowledge. To whom can that one be compared?

Knowing this visible world by its very nature isn’t anything substantial, how could the steady-minded one prefer one thing or deny another?

In the final view, unbound from attachments, beyond divisions, and free from desires, all ordinary experience brings neither pleasure nor pain.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 3.1-14 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda et al.