Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Real Big Bang

Deep sleep is the real big bang. Deep sleep appears within that which is beyond the three powers of reflected consciousness, that fourth, Turiya.

The three powers or states of reflected consciousness are deep sleep, the sleeping dream, and the waking dream. The Fourth is Satcitananda.

Within the Fourth, the body-mind appears. Its default settings are off: deep sleep. Mind turns on first: the sleeping dream state. The body turns on next: the dreaming waking state.

Until one's original ignorance is turned off in the waking state, do not pass go. Return to deep sleep for your recharging. And another day in a life.

Ignorance (avidya) off but body-mind (maya) on is called Jivanmukti. Ignorance off and body-mind off is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Satcitananda and Powers of Three

Satcitananda is the absolute nondual godhead. Saguna Brahman is its power of three: I Am, I Know, I Love.

In the mirror of Maya this looks like spontaneity, self-awareness, and unconditional love.

That principle of existence is manifesting as effortless nondoing.

That ground of consciousness is flowering as intuitive nonknowing.

That essence of bliss is breathing as unconditional nonloving.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

After Oppenheimer

Sometimes I‘m a particle. Sometimes I’m The Great Wave off Kanagawa.

Sometimes I live in Los Alamos. Sometimes I pray in Santa Fe.

Sometimes I’m Albert Einstein as The Catcher in the Rye.

Non-loving Trailer

First there was nondoing. Then came not-knowing. Non-loving is unconditional love.

Non-loving and unconditional love are the bliss of Maya and the unity of a universal God!

Non-loving is the expression of the essence of bliss. It breathes like unconditional love.

Non-knowing 101

As nondoing is to the principle of existence, non-knowing knows the ground of consciousness.

Not thinking I know nor not know, thus it’s known. Non-knowing is intuitive in this way. It's self-aware.

This non-knowing has the intelligence of primordial Maya and the omniscience of a universal God.

Janaka Charges (AG6)

Janaka charges: 

I am limitless like space. The world is a so-called container like a clay pot. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am like the ocean and the universe is like a wave. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am like the mother of pearl seashell and this apparitional universe is like its silver. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

I am in all beings and all beings are in me. This is the knowledge. There is nothing to surrender, accept, or absolve.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 6.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Satcitananda Jeopardy

Is the mind processing light or is light witnessing a process? What is self-awareness?

Does the principle of existence do or not do, be or not to be? What is nondoing?

The smell of roses in the morning reminds me of bliss. What is unconditional love?

On Holistic Bliss Infinity and Beyond

The world is not out there. The world is in here. I am not in the universe. The universe is in me. I am not the mind processing the cosmos. I am awareness witnessing the dream.

Attention, That’s the absolute truth. But one acting as an individual should act as there's a God: I am, I know, I love. Saguna Satcitananda: I love that I know I am.

Of course in reality, there’s just the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, the essence of bliss. In the name of nondoing, self-awareness, and unconditional love, Satcitananda.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ashtavakra Speaks (AG5)

Ashtavakra speaks: One has no contact with anything. What can the pure one wish to renounce? Having dissolved the body-mind, enter into absolution.

The universe arises from you like a bubble from the sea. Having known the nondual Self in this way, enter into absolution.

Although visible, the universe is insubstantial. Like the snake in the rope, it’s an appearance and not a manifestation of one’s wholeness. In this way, enter into absolution.

To one who is perfectly whole, pain and pleasure are the same. Hope and despair are the same. Life and death are the same. Being this way, enter into absolution.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 5.1-4 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

Monday, August 26, 2024

My Nondual Math

1. Perennial Math

Mathematically speaking,

awareness equals pure consciousness,

and consciousness equals reflected consciousness which equals consciousness plus mind.

2. Stars of the Silver Screen

If mind plus consciousness equals what's called ordinary attention,

then such attention minus mind equals awareness, pure consciousness, nirguna brahman —

this silver screen of Self upon which reflected consciousness is now dreaming.

3. Brahmavidya 101

In classic neti neti math, nirguna brahman equals brahman without the gunas of samsara (busyness and inertia) or even maya (nondoing).

And saguna brahman is the god of samsara and maya.

In this way, brahman remains indefinable — one only knows the knower by being the knower.


~nondual haiku 101~

awareness equals pure consciousness.

attention minus mind equals awareness.

know the knower by being the knower.

~Local Heroes~

Self-awareness is the ground of consciousness flowering,

Nondoing is the principle of existence blowing in the wind,

Unconditional Love is the essence of bliss like Aurora Borealis.

~We Three Brahmans~

Nirguna brahman is the absolute minus conditioning.

Saguna brahman is the absolute via conditioning.

Parabrahman is far gone beyond conditioning. 


The waking state is body-on as well as mind-on. 

The dreaming state is body-off and mind-on.

The deep sleep state is body-off and mind-off.

When avidya is turned off, it's called nirvikalpa samadhi.

Mind-on, body-on, avidya-off is jivanmukti.