Michael Comans (Vasudevacharya) calls K2.31-34 Gaudapada's siddhanta, or conclusive teaching (the translations are his):
Like a dream and a magic are seen, and just as a mirage city is seen in the sky, so is this universe seen by those who are well-versed in the Vedanta [i.e. Upanisads]. [2.31]
There is no cessation, there is no origination, no one is bound and no one strives [to be free], no one desires liberation, nor is anyone liberated. This is the ultimate truth. [2.32]
This [Self] is falsely imagined to be the unreal things, and the Self is falsely imagined to be non-dual. Those things, moreover, exist just through the non-dual. Therefore non-duality is auspicious. [2.33]
This plurality does not exist as identical to the Self, nor even does it somehow exist of its own accord. Those who know reality, know that nothing exists different [from the Self] or as identical [to the Self]. [2.34]
Let's list the main points of Gaudapada's siddhanta (conclusive teaching) in K2:
1. The universe is like a dream.
2. There is no origination nor dissolution.
3. No one is bound.
4. No one needs liberation
5. The Self is falsely imagined to be duality.
6. The Self is falsely imagined to be non-dual.
7. But in duality, non-duality is auspicious.
8. Duality does not exist on its own accord.
9. Duality does not exist as identical to the Self nor is duality different from the Self.