1. I Minus Maya
Birth is an appearance in the unborn.
The mind appears in consciousness. Consciousness is the witness of the mind.
Consciousness is the witness of the no mind of deep sleep as well.
I am not the mind. I am not no mind either. I am pure consciousness.
I am pure consciousness-existence. All life appears in ‘me’ and not vice versa.
I am Satcitananda, holistic and infinite Godhead in which all the gods appear.
2. Commentary
Birth is an appearance in the unborn, Aja, absolute existence. Ajatavada is the uncompromising stand of Gaudapada, old school Advaitin, native of Reality, guru of the guru of Shankara.
Consciousness is not to be confused with the reflection of consciousness. Pure consciousness is the witness of the mind. The reflection of consciousness is the witness of its thoughts. In samsara, moonlight lights the world. Sunlight lights the moon.
The mind turns on and off.
When mind is on and body is on is the waking state.
When mind is on and body is off is the dreaming state.
When both mind and body are off is the deep sleep state.
Ignorance is on in all three states.
But consciousness is never off.
I am neither theistic nor nihilistic.
They're just two sides of the same coin.
I am the nondual space in which this coin is flipping.
Not only does all life appear in me quote unquote, but its fire of sentience is my fire. Otherwise it's solid Maya through and through.
I am nonduality. My nine names are being, existence, presence, awareness, consciousness, intelligence, holistic, bliss, infinity. I have ninety-nine more.
Ten thousand gods are appearing in me. It is estimated that eight billion people appear in them. And countless dreams.