Whence creation has arisen
perhaps forming itself
or perhaps it didn’t.
The one who looks down
from the highest heaven knows
or perhaps doesn’t.
~Rig Veda 10:129 (transcreating Doniger)
as consciousness is the expression of the absolute, and divine imagination is the expression of consciousness, spontaneous revelation is the expression of divine imagination
Whence creation has arisen
perhaps forming itself
or perhaps it didn’t.
The one who looks down
from the highest heaven knows
or perhaps doesn’t.
~Rig Veda 10:129 (transcreating Doniger)
1. To thee I sing
I am is the expression of the principle of existence. To thee I sing.
I know is the outgrowth of the ground of consciousness. To that I listen.
I love is radiating from holistic bliss infinity. To self-awareness.
2. In God, I love
In primordial Maya, I am. In samsara, I’m not even that.
In samsara, I know I am during a profound revelation or two. Otherwise, sometimes I think I am and sometimes I think I’m not.
In God, I love. In samsara, I love some things. In reality, I am holistic bliss infinity.
3. no words
There are no words to describe Parabrahman.
Words can only point to the pointless.
That gap is called Zeno's paradox.
4. For Zeno
There are no words to describe Parabrahman. Words can only point to the pointless. That gap is called Zeno's paradox.
The world is made of memories but I am that before the mind records it.
Personal deconstruction hurts. The personal kills.
5. this Big Bang
I am, I know, I love. Such is the power of three.
Existence, consciousness, bliss, are the names of Maya.
Between absolute awareness and self-awareness appears this Big Bang.
2. that, oh my
Discernment, dispassion, and an earnestness for that, oh my.
Mind-training isn’t rocket science. It’s like learning how to use a hammer.
You can bang your thumb forever or hit the nail on the head.
3. Basho is big
Basho is big in Japan. There are statues of him along the narrow road to the deep north. I have seen the ones at Hiraizumi and Yamadera. His greatest haiku was the one he never wrote. Ya Matsushima.
4. to the light
Between DNA and psychological conditioning, I am.
Firewood appears to be on fire. Light is appearing as wood.
Fire is wood returning to the light.
5. beyond bee
Beyond bee and beekeeper is being.
Self-awareness is appearing in awareness.
Satcitananda is beyond words.
Senses see the world, mind sees the senses, and awareness witnesses everything.
Awareness is not attention. Attention is mind superimposed on awareness. Awareness is the ground.
I think I am the mind but in reality I’m that awareness. But this is easier said than done.
This is not about belief, the mind’s religion. This is simple self-awareness. And there’s nothing you can do about it.
2. the light of awareness
Awareness is not only the ground of the self, awareness is the ground of the universe. Thus, I minus Avidya equals That minus Maya.
That awareness is like a screen and this universe is like a movie which that screen also illumines. Like television.
Thus the light of awareness is the ground, the omnipresence of existence is the principle, and holistic infinity of bliss is the essence.
3. when
When the mind is turned off, it's called deep sleep. When the mind is turned on, it's called the dream state.
When beginningless ignorance is turned on, it's dreaming or deep sleep. When avidya is turned off, it's samadhi.
Avidya off with mind on is savikalpa, jivanmukti. And with mind off is nirvikalpa samadhi.
4. god
Everyone has a god. Even no god is a god.
Not knowing your god is not knowing yourself
Beyond god is atman and atman is brahman.
5. sitting
Sitting in a sequoia tree singing out raw poetry.
I was a labyrinth in Santa Fe. I was the loneliest road in America.
By the time I got to Woodstock, there's a forest for the trees.
Self-awareness is the big bang. Self-awareness is what's happening.
Pure consciousness is the movie screen. Reflected consciousness is the movie.
a. greatest hits 241207
This is not about belief, the mind’s religion. This is simple self-awareness. And there’s nothing you can do about it.
Awareness is not only the ground of the self, awareness is the ground of the universe. Thus, I minus Avidya equals That minus Maya.
When the mind is turned off, it’s called deep sleep. When the mind is turned on, it’s called the dream state.
Everyone has a god. Even no god is a god. Not knowing your god is not knowing your self.
Self-awareness is the big bang. Self-awareness is what’s happening.
Whether metaphorical or scientific, no language can describe the absolute nondual Brahman. Language can only point.
Right brain people prefer the metaphorical and left brainers like the scientific.
Be it slings & arrows of snakes & ropes or powerful equations of satcitananda is not the point.
Pointing out the pointless is.
2. appearances in the principle
Life and death are dreamlike appearances in the principle of existence.
Like waking up and instantly knowing a dream was just a dream.
You’re not the car. You’re the driver witnessing the road.
3. ananda
In the name of the effortless nondoing of existence, the intuitive nonknowing of awareness, and the affectionate nonloving of ananda.
I pledge myself to the principle of existence. Standing on the ground of awareness. Breathing in the essence of ananda.
Cause and effect is appearing in existence. Knowledge and ignorance is appearing in awareness. Love and death is appearing in ananda.
4. festival
Moonlight is the reflection of ananda.
Winter solstice is a festival of existence.
The big bang is awareness of awareness.
Existence is beyond divine. It’s a principle.
The body and the mind and all its thoughts are insentient. It’s the principle of existence which gives them the appearance of something living.
Thus they say you are the principle of existence. For the real you is Brahman.
2. Fireplace
In any working fireplace there’s firewood and woodfire.
Wood is born and cut down. Fire is an eternal principle.
Firewood is to dreaming as woodfire is to reflecting as fire is the subject.
3. Thus Maya
The logic of nonduality requires the paradox of Maya. Otherwise Brahman cannot be Brahman.
For Brahman to be Brahman, Brahman must be beyond all definitions of spacetime.
Whatever appears to be changeable or limited is not Brahman. And Brahman is all there is. Thus Maya.
4. Moonlight
Between ego (I'm somebody) and the principle of existence (I) is reflected existence (I am).
Between the earth and the sun is the moon. Coyotes howl. We sunbathe in its moonlight.
Deconstruct yourself like digging out a loved one following a catastrophic earthquake.
5. Awareness aware of awareness
Awareness aware of awareness appears like a self-reflexive universe.
Are we are on some karmic timeline in that self-reflexive universe?
Self-realization is spontaneous. It only appears to take 13 billion years.
0. My self-reflexive universe
Existence is beyond divine. It’s a principle.
Wood is born and cut down. Fire is an eternal principle.
The logic of nonduality requires the paradox of Maya. Otherwise Brahman cannot be Brahman.
Between the earth and the sun is the moon. Coyotes howl. We sunbathe in its moonlight.
Awareness aware of awareness appears like a self-reflexive universe.
The universe is this holographic dream of Brahman.
Not only is this dream appearing in Brahman, it’s nothing but Brahman.
Brahman does not create this dream. It’s a paradox called Maya.
2. three Gods with one Maya
From the point of view of the first two powers of Maya, God is Saguna Brahman.
From the point of view of a third power of Maya, the principle of existence is Nirguna Brahman.
Nirguna Brahman witnesses the universe. Saguna Brahman plays three Gods with one Maya.
3. waiting for its next move
They say nondoing is hard to do.
They say nondoing isn’t something to be done.
They say nondoing is following your heart and waiting for its next move.
4. enough said
Not only does no one get out of here alive, no one gets here born.
In duality, one is the body or the mind after all.
In nonduality, enough said.
5. No one gets here born octet
Not only does no one get out of here alive.
No one gets here born.
In duality, one is the body or the mind.
In nonduality, enough said.
I am not an object to be illumined by a mind. I am self-luminous.
Only awareness is aware of awareness.
They say with discernment comes dispassion and with dispassion is self-realization.
Viveka! Viveka! Viveka!
Consciousness is not what you think it is. The mind reflects pure consciousness. (Some call this reflection, consciousness, and pure consciousness, awareness.) Reflected consciousness is what you think consciousness is, but pure consciousness is not this consciousness.
One can lose this kind of consciousness but awareness can't be lost. Awareness is not a thing in space-time. In fact, space-time appears in awareness. Not only does awareness witness both dream states of the mind (sleeping and waking) but deep sleep (mind off) too.
Consciousness appears in awareness as I Am appears in That. Ignorance of this fact is what makes one human. Dispelling this ignorance is like losing the human form. I am not reflected consciousness. Reflections are the stuff of dreams. I am pure consciousness. Real, not opinion.
2. fearlessence
They say Maya has three powers.
First, it veils; this is called ignorance.
Second, it projects; this is called the dream state.
Third, it reveals; this is called nondual wisdom.
I pledge my being to that principle of existence.
I take my stand on that ground of consciousness.
I breathe that fearlessence of holistic bliss infinity.
3. waiting for ananda
driving like star wars in this redwood forest of california where the elk and the ewok play
i am high upon a big sur starry bench with thomas merton and an infinite pacific beneath our wings
standing on the corner of existence street and consciousness waiting for ananda.
4. key
it looks like saguna but it's really nirguna.
superimposition is the key.
you are not a snake.
i remember surprise
i love the unmemorable
snow in san alsemo
Believing people don’t exist is easy thinking.
Knowing you don’t takes the grace of God.
In the world, I am something else. In the grace of God, I am.
From samsara, the way to Nirguna Brahman is through Saguna Brahman.
2. existence
The principle of existence is the silent eye.
The voice of existence says I am.
Samsara hears many things but only loves some of them.
3. that I Am
God is the one manifestation of nonduality.
Consciousness reflecting in the mind makes up many worlds.
Between the principle of existence and this variety of worlds is that I Am.
The dark side of the moon is who you think you are.
Sometimes I go howling at that full reflection in the sky.
I am sings Werewolves of London from New York to Old Bombay.
0. saguna yoga sutra
In the world, I am something else. In the grace of God, I am. From samsara, the way to Nirguna Brahman is through Saguna Brahman.
The principle of existence is the silent eye. The voice of existence says I am. Samsara hears many things but only loves some of them.
God is the one manifestation of nonduality. Consciousness reflecting in the mind makes up many worlds. Between the principle of existence and this variety of worlds is that I Am.
The dark side of the moon is who you think you are. Sometimes I go howling at that full reflection in the sky. I Am sings Werewolves of London from New York to Old Bombay.
a. Satcitananda is Brahman
There is a time to appear on mountains and a time for mountains to appear in you.
This is the time for mountains to appear in you. Check now if you’re in the right room.
You are not material. The stuff of dreams is conceptual.
The principle of existence is nonconceptual.
It’s not in God we trust but in God I am.
For Maya is the power and the glory of Nirguna Brahman.
And God is wielding that Maya conjuring this dream world.
I am, I know, I love. Yes, Parabrahman is Satcitananda.
I have been one to say attention equals awareness plus thought. After further review, I am now saying attention equals awareness plus life (prana, I Am) plus thought.
Be it as it may, between Ego and the Principle of Existence is God. In fact, Life is the Voice of God singing of Nirguna Brahman.