Belief makes the person. In the world of unnatural separation, belief is like security. You can never have too much.
When belief is threatened, a stronger belief is required. Belief is like gambling on the unknown. When your horse loses, you double down.
If one’s not willing to die for belief, it’s not belief. It’s a whimsy. Believe me, it’s a whimsy. Separation is original imagination.
Consciousness is like the force. The mind is like a resistor. Self-awareness is the amplification of awareness reflected in consciousness.
Focusing the force is called samsara. Compassion is the practice. Meditation or contemplation is the living.
1. money can’t buy me love. money buys unconditional belief.
2. gambling is an addiction to belief. war is its symptom.
3. paradise is universal consciousness; call this love. hell is identifying with the mind; call this belief.
4. universal force. the personal transistor. song of self-awareness.
5. if the product of deconstruction is not compassion, it’s not deconstruction. it’s just more mind games.
Without compassion, meditation is still personal. Only bodhicitta is enlightened. One not crying is either the one in samadhi or the one in politics. Enlightenment is sudden. Compassion takes a lifetime. Bodhicitta is enlightened mind. Teaching your children compassion is teaching your children well. The rest is the latest math.
This week’s sermon is compassion. Last week’s sermon was taking sides. Postmodern deconstruction equals primordial compassion. Compassion can’t be taught; it’s lived. An old dog knows all the tricks. You haven’t lived until compassion. Without compassion, one is born. With compassion, one is unborn. Compassify, compassify.