All metaphysics, no matter how nuclear they may be, come down to sourcing consciousness.
Big science has a branch of metaphysics theorizing consciousness is a product of the physical.
There are people who believe this theory as fact. This is exactly how a myth turns into a religion.
A true metaphysician understands consciousness is foundational and self-shining.
As foundational, the mind can’t grasp it’s ground. As self-shining, consciousness is the source. Obviously, I am not the mind, I am that.
Anything beyond that is myth. Ananda, don’t let your teachers grow up to be bishops.
A materialist believes consciousness is a product of the body-mind. Consciousness knows the body-mind is an appearance in myself.
The modern empire believes in materialism and it’s the job of big science to prove it. In other words, they are its metaphysical department of defense.
Thought is not the default state of consciousness. Consciousness is the default state of consciousness.
Child, a blade of grass cannot describe the field.
Consciousness only means consciousness only, mind.
Is myth maya? Mu.
end notes
absolute awareness is self-shining consciousness without a doubt.
when the mind is dreaming, there's a state of consciousness that knows the mind is dreaming. it's called a nightmare when one doesn't.
deep sleep is the mind not dreaming.
lucid dreaming is that state of consciousness that knows the mind is dreaming. it happens every night to some degree or way. the trick is staying there all day.