Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Ballad of Brahman Isn't Atman


Mind is like the steel of conditioned consciousness,

Forged in the fires of atomic maya,

Cut into keys unlocking self-awareness

By the locksmith yogis and yoginis inhabiting samsara.


And consciousness is the stuff of self-awareness,

That omnipotence of brahman knowing brahman,

Knowing atman is brahman but brahman isn’t atman,

For brahman isn’t brahman divided by maya.


And Maya is like the number zero,

Where anything multiplied by maya is maya

but anything divided by maya is undefined.


1. everything is consciousness. thus mind is a tool created by consciousness from consciousness to see through consciousness. seeing through the mind is just the beginning, allice.

2. the wave is the sea but the sea is not the wave although the sea's reflecting in the wave.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Far-Out: Reappropriating Woo

Materialism rules the waves. In the west, the emperor doesn’t convert to Christianity as much as Christianity is acquired by the empire. Just another hostile takeover of a people’s god.

When the new gods go scientific, the new religion goes scientific materialism, instead of spiritual materialism. Look, the empire is all about its materialism.

When the going gets weird, consciousness turns pro. That consciousness is foundational, prajnam brahma, is not some mere commandment, but one's primal declaration of independence.

The empire calls this foolishness a bunch of woo! Some in the east call it maya. Some in the far east call it koan. Some in the west call it paradox. Aumdada is reappropriating woo for the far-out west.

Consciousness is the stuff of woo; belief is the stuff of materialism. Does a dog have buddha nature? Woo. Materialism isn't woo; it's objective fantasy. Prajnanam brahma is woo one. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Dirty Advaita

Yes, the body-mind is finite, but the universal force enlivening it isn’t. So you’ve got to ask yourself one question, punk. Are you body-mind or universal force?

Does the body-mind create the universal force or does the universe create the body-mind? Jesus, that’s like a no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree, my friend?

Look, the sun is actually the manifestation of that, which for lack of mythic creativity, is called a black hole. Don’t buy some opposing scientific religion, free bird. That atman is brahman, after all, is a fact.

Let’s do the math. If the body-mind is the manifestation of this universal life force, and the sun of consciousness is the manifestation of that black hole beyond all thought, then that which is beyond thought is often called omnipotent and omnipresent. Tattvamasi, Subhuti.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Knowing Knowledge

Knowing is not knowledge and knowledge is not knowledgeable. If knowing is being, and knowledge is the mirroring happening in said knowledge,

then knowledgeable is knowing all about the wooden, metal, or plastic frame; the transparent glass; and the reflecting silver, chromium, tin, aluminum, or nickel.

After all, the point of knowledge is the knowing, and not becoming knowledgeable materialists such as scientists, lawyers, philosophers, or priests. Not that there’s anything wrong with those careers.

If another word for knowing is being, then another word for knowledge is wisdom. Other words for knowledgeable are memorizing, specializing, and believing.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Mythical Daydreams of Universal Consciousness

Heads up, words may negate the false and point to the true, but the truth cannot be named.

One is the truth and that is all one needs to know.

Nevertheless, manifestation is not the material universe.

Universal consciousness is the actual universe and a material universe is appearing within this Isvara universe.

Like dreams appearing within the mind, fractal worlds are appearing within this one true consciousness.

As nightmares are the psychological expressions of an individual consciousness, individual consciousnesses are the mythical daydreams of universal consciousness.

Without dreams, there is no psychological evolution.

Without myth, there is no evolutionary self-awareness.

Individual consciousness and universal consciousness is the stuff of self-awareness.

Self-awareness is to absolute awareness as atman is to brahman.

As a reminder, rishis pointing to the moon is the foundation of all nondual myth.

Fools believing in myth are the ruins of all religion.

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Mother of All Paradox

New religions kill old paradoxes first. Truth is never logical. Minus paradox it’s philosophy. Plus paradox is mythical wisdom.

Maya is the mother of all paradox, and all the other paradoxes, koan, and catch-22s are like her children, born of a barren goddess.

Without maya, no one can speak of parabrahman in any significant way. With maya, we can speak of it while knowing it is not an it.

Awareness being self-aware is the body of our maya and the manifest universe is her mind being blown. Scientific materialism calls this the big bang.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Magnificent Seven Stages of Realization

In dreaming, the mind is the material, instrumental, and efficient cause. In the case of the world in general, that is brahman.

The mind dreams in consciousness. Consciousness dreams in self-awareness. The relationship of self-awareness and absolute awareness is complicated.

Awareness is aware of awareness if awareness is aware of anything. That awareness is not a thing is why self-awareness is mixed up with maya.

Between maya and postmodern deconstruction is avidya. Ignorance. The molecular imprisonment of misidentification.

Tonight’s seven stages of realization are awareness, self-awareness, maya, avidya, deconstruction, nonduality, and reality.

Myths are like pointers. Fools turn them to religion. This fool lives on earth. The moon is prana. The sun is prajna. The black whole is reality.